Your Child
Your Child's Day
Our daily programmes are a flexible guide to work by on a day-to-day basis for all children. Within our framework, we try to maintain your child’s routine and keep it as close as it is to home thus meeting each child’s/whanau individual needs.
To encourage active participation, we like to include at least one structured group time per session. This helps your child build self-esteem and concentration abilities which are important foundations for life long learning.
Things to Bring
Please dress your child in their "work" clothes that are appropriate to the season these encourage children to explore the learning opportunities provided without worrying about staying clean. Our children do get wet and dirty, so please pack several changes of clothes.
We require children to bring a named hat appropriate to the season. As part of our Sun Smart Policy, children must wear hats whenever they are outside.
Children for all rooms are required to bring a named packed lunchbox with enough food to last the day/time they are at daycare.
We can heat food in the microwave at lunchtime.
To support our nutrition policy we ask you to provide a variety of healthy options in their lunch boxes. A selection of fruit and vegetables, protein, dairy and grains. These foods give your child the correct energy to burn while playing.
We ask that you keep the occasional foods for home. Foods that have excess sugar, food colouring, oils, can make children hyperactive. We would prefer that occasional foods like, chippies, fruit straps, lollies, chocolate covered biscuits are eaten at home.
If your child is in nappies, please ensure they have an adequate supply for the day. We charge $1.00 for each nappy that we supply.
We support our parents/caregivers/whanau with their childs toilet training. We ask that parents follow our toileting brochure to decide if their child is toilet ready. Accidents can be upsetting, which is why we ask that multiple extra bottom changes of clothing are provided during this learning period.
Our toilet and nappy changing policies are available at each centre.
The Ministry of Education requires written consent by a parent/caregiver before we can administer any medication to your child. Please see a teacher when required so that we can fill in the medication chart.
Children need to be on antibiotics for at least 24 hours before returning to the centre and be clear of vomiting and diarrhoea for 48 hours.
Settling in Procedure
Depending on the individual child we recommend that parents bring their child in for a minimum of three visits to the centre before starting. Though we welcome more visits if individual children require a longer settling process. An appointment needs to be made for the initial first visit so that a teacher will be available to gather information on your child’s routines, and to answer any questions you may have. Once your child has started, you are welcome to call us during the day to enquire about your child.
Signing in and out
It is a Ministry of Education requirement that we have a record of all children's attendance each day. When arriving and leaving a tablet is used to electronically to document daily attendance. Once a week, a paper form is required to be signed to confirm booked hours for the week.
Please inform the teachers if your child is to have a sleep. If your child has a special toy or cuddly we encourage you to bring this along.
You are encouraged to collect your child's artwork from the art box. This can be taken home to admire or pass on to grandparents, whanau etc.
Centre Safety
Please remember to shut gates quietly and securely.
The centre is required by law to keep an Immunisation Register. If you child is immunised we ask you to bring your child’s immunisation certificate.