Our Communication

Communication is key between families and Taupo Children’s Corner.  Always feel free to get in touch with us at any time of the day.

Here are some of the ways you can share in your child’s day:

Child's Profile Books

We provide all children their own individual profile book where the teachers place pieces of their artwork, photos, individual and group learning stories for you to follow their developmental learning journey while here at Taupo Children's Corner. 

Story Park

All of our children have their profile published on Story park, an online programme.  This makes it easy to share with friends and family what your child is doing while in our care.  It also offers the opportunity to respond to any information posted.

Routine Charts

All charts are accessible for our parent/caregivers to look at. The charts include a nappy changing/toileting chart, sleep chart and food chart for the Under Two children.


We write regular newsletters to keep our centre community up to date with what has been happening within our environment.

Notice Board

We write on our notice board to keep parents/caregivers/whanau up to date with any activities that might be happening and of any illness that might be in the centre.

Display Boards 

Throughout our centre we have display boards that display our children’s artwork, photos and their learning journey


Check out our Facebook page to see what out tamariki have been doing and any important dates that may be coming up.

Duncan complex playground and below our new Lakewood drive playground

Our mission is to foster a love of learning in your little ones, through creative lesson plans and prompts.

“A creative education has the power to catapult children into a lifetime of curiosity.”

— Liz, Founder of Little Comets Academy

Start the adventure today.